Bust Jitching
the things we do to our children
Published on May 13, 2004 By Winky In Misc
It's been a rough few months. My 6 y/o has been repeatedly in and out of her doctors office because of a recurring (what she calls) "ear confection". She was NEVER sick or ever had any problems until she started school.

The root of the problem is her tonsils and adnoids and I believe the age of her school building, the damp/moldy air and the lack of proper ventilation has contributed to the constant recycling of symptoms.

At any rate, I have spent so much time rushing off to appt after appt, trying not to keep her home every day when she is off antibiotics, feeling fine knowing when I send her back to school, we will be going through this all over again, I realize I must do it. The only difference is I can now sit back and smile. Why? You ask?

My daughter is the "Pete and Repeat QUEEN" and she is a professional chatterbox. She literally thinks out loud and even talks in her sleep (Gawd I love her lol) Anyway she always wants to tell EVERYONE EVERYTHING, especially when she goes to the doctor, every little detail from the time we pull out of the driveway until the time we leave McDonalds. (sometimes)

This last doc visit she overheard me talking with her doctor, he said she may need to have her tonsils and adnoids removed. Now, she did not tell me she heard this, but this morning she asked

"Mom, what are those other things called that the doctor wants to take out besides my tonsils"?
(she wanted to know so she could tell everyone at school)

For some reason I was briefly possessed and somehow could not get the word "adnoids" to come out of my mouth.

It came out "hemorrhoids"

She thanked me and happily got on the bus.

on May 13, 2004
welcome winky, and thanks for your comments

regarding the hemorrhoids thing ... well, at least now the teacher won't ask her to take them to "show and tell" in a jar !

mig XX
on May 13, 2004
HAHAHA ...kids ..gotta love them.

I had a cold sore and my nephew told his teacher that aunty jess had herpes.... the same day i picked him up from school.

on May 13, 2004
HAHAHA I feel for ya. I bought a dress for dinner party and I had to use inserts up top (if ya know what I mean) and she went right to school and told everyone I could take my boobs out and put them back in and proceeded to demonstrate.

::sigh::: I KNEW I should have had the surgery done when I had the chance!!!